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About Bodens riksteaterförening

We are organizers of professional performing arts such as theater, dance, and contemporary circus. We arrange events in multiple locations throughout the municipality.

We are a part on Riksteatern. Riksteatern is in English sometimes known as The Swedish National Touring Theater. It is a non-profit organisation that consists of hundreds of local association. 

The Swedish National Touring Theatre is based on volunteer work

The Swedish National Touring Theatre is a touring national stage in Sweden which, alongside the Royal Dramatic Theatre (Dramaten) and the Royal Opera, is funded by the state. We are able to do this thanks to our approximately 230 local theatre associations spread across the country. The local theatre associations decide which productions they want to stage.

Riksteatern is a popular movement for the entire population.

The public can become audience. The audience can choose to be a member. The members elects the board of the local association.

The local Riksteatern association sends representatives to a congress every four years and decide about Riksteaterns goals and direction.

In every county there is a regional Riksteatern organisation that is a collaborative body for the local associations. In Norrbotten it is called Riksteatern Norrbotten and is located in Boden and works with alla the 14 local associations in Norrbotten. One in every municipality in the county. We collaborate a lot with the other local associations in the county. 

You can be a member of the audience, but for SEK 160 per year you can also choose
- to develop your interest in the performing arts
- become a VIP guest with membership discounts or with Scenpass Sweden – also at other theatres
- get information and in-depth knowledge of the theatre, dance and music through newsletters and the member magazine, Scenen
- be able to support local cultural life in your area
- have an opportunity to influence the activities and repertoire of the association
- get an entry into maybe becoming a volunteer...?

(And If you’re aged 25 or younger, you'll get it all for SEK 50 per year!)



Riksteatern is simply a really good idea. Performing arts for everyone, everywhere! 
