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So Sorry. Foto: Senay Berhe
So Sorry. Foto: Senay Berhe

Repertoire in English

Night hunter

Sunday 16 February at 19.00 Nordanåteatern


Night hunter takes us into a gripping family drama,
where we encounter various characters in
the shadow of an unimaginable tragedy. This
newly written opera explores the darker sides
of life, the persistence of hope, and the power
of reconciliation, with internationally acclaimed
baritone Fredrik Zetterström performing
all the roles in an intimate collaboration with
one of Sweden's top pianists, Love Derwinger.
SEK 495 - youth/students SEK 150 - stage pass discount SEK 50

Long Day's Journey into Night

Wednesday April 9 at 19.00 Nordanåteatern


A classic about human flaws and the struggle
for light in the dark.
Riksteatern proudly presents Nobel laureate
Eugene O'Neill's masterpiece Long Day's
Journey into Night, with Grynet Molvig and
Krister Henriksson in the lead roles. Together
with the director Eva Dahlman, they highlight
both the humor and the pain in this timeless

SEK 495 - youth/students SEK 150 - stage pass discount SEK 50

Crowds & Power

Wednesday April 23 at 19.00 Sara kulturhus, scene 2


Is it possible to choreograph reality? Can
reality dictate the choreography? The crowd
is a force, with the ability to support and
destroy. In Crowds & Power, Martin Forsberg
creates a choreographic field stretched
between the human mass and the actions
that demonstrate the scales of power. Interpersonal
and formulated through the biggest
and the smallest. Norrdans ten dancers share
the stage with ten local residents. Together
they form a unique ensemble that tackles the
concepts of mass and power.

From 13 years - In collaboration with  imagegztrd.png
SEK 150 - youth/students SEK 100 


Thursday 8 May at 11.00-12.30 -- 12.30 - 13.00 Hallen Nordanå

Ny O.jpg

O is a dance experience for babies aged
2–18 months and their adults. In a fascinating
environment with reflective floors, sensory
materials and curious creatures, babies can
explore freely with all their senses.
The babies and their adults can enter and
exit the welcoming environment entirely
according to their own desires and needs,
all in order to create as calm and safe an
atmosphere as possible.

SEK 80 - child SEK 60

In collaboration with   imagersm0r.png

La Bohéme

Tuesday 20 May at 19.00 Nordanåteatern


La Bohème from 1896 is the story of a group of
young poor artists who, with their lofty ideals,
collide head-on with the harsh reality.
With languidly beautiful music – and many
well-known opera gems – their dreams of a free
life with romance and creativity are shaped.
But how will it go, when they don't get anything
sold and the money isn't even enough for the

SEK 295 - youth/students SEK 150 - stage pass discount SEK 50

Hope to see you in the theater!









